While that is not a real english word, it accurately describes my
process when I meet a client. I take-in as much information as you
can give: about what your vision for your web-app is and what would
be considered by you to be a PERFECT EXECUTION. The more you give
me, the closer I get to your ideal vision.
I FEED ON DATA! Over the years, I have studied disparate
fields and academic disciplines with a view to practical
applications rather than credentials and I bring the full range of
my knowledge to bear upon every task.
May 2021 till Date
Tiidelab Fellowship for aspiring Web Developers
Learning frontend Developer Tools- javascript, CSS and HTML. Softskills- Teamwork, communication, leadership principles and best practices in the I.T industry -
2020 to May 2021
Digital Marketing at Google Digital Garage
Learned SEO, Social Media Marketing, Best Practices in Website design and Interface, Accessibility and mobile integration. -
2019 to 2020
Internship at Travels Coach Limited
Learned Email Marketing, Customer relations, Tourism processing and Visa applications -
2016 to 2019
Self Learning and Integration of Multiple Disciplines
Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Metacognition: Learning how to learn, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Personality theory, Practical Mechanics, Color Theory, Visual Art, Comic Character Design. -
2010 to 2016
University of Ilorin
Studied Mechanical Engineering, Taught advanced level Physics and Mathematics. Taught College Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology)